Certified SuccessEnvironmental management systemsIf your management system is in operation and in compliance with EMAS and/or ISO 14001 than you can go for certification / verification. By choosing your certifier you determine what the certification process will look like. ETA was the first organisation in Austria officially accredited as environmental verifier for EMAS. Since then we have verified and certified a large number of organisations of all sizes and from a wide variety of economic sectors, in Austria and abroad. Our audits are not only formal checks of conformity, but we are providing a lot of recommendations for enhancing your systems to make it more efficient and effective Sustainability and CSR reportsSeriousness and credibility are important ingredients for your sustainability reporting. The verification of your report by ETA as an independent accredited verifier is an essential contribution for that.
If you want more information about certification and verification call us at +43 (0)1 503 72 08-0 or email us at office@eta.at. Click here for our customers.
© ETA Umweltmanagement - Last Update: 02.11.2007 |