Our customers are as diverse as our projects. Together we develop strategies
and tools to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.
KAGes - Styrian Hospital Association
KAV – Vienna Hospital Association
gespag - Hospital Association of Upper Austria
Hospital Baumgartner Höhe, Vienna
Environmental reports
KAGes - Styrian Hospital Association
KAV – Vienna Hospital Association
Training programmes
Development of website
www.greeninghealthcare.net and
e-learning programme "Environmental protection and environmental management
in healthcare"; EU
Leonardo programme
CleanMed Europe Vienna 2004 -
The international healthcare congress on sustainable products and practices -
congress organizer
Training and consulting of more than 40 companies in the course of the "ÖkoBusinessPlan"
programme sponsered by the City of Vienna.
Mobility management
Project "Sanfte Mobilitätspartnerschaft":
Ministry for Environment and Hospital Tulln
Wind energy market development
(ELIN EBG Motoren GmbH)
Assistance to the Czech Energy Agency
(EU PHARE Programm)
Energy System Analysis (EU ALTENER Programm)
Residues in the Iron- and Steel Industry
(Umweltbundesamt Wien)
Implementation of EMAS in hospitals (Umweltministerium)
Aufbau des Euro-Info-Center (Industriellenvereinigung)
External costs of environmental pollution
Environmental training in companies
Sustainability / CSR
Österreichische Verbundgesellschaft, Wien
Österreichische Kontrollbank, Wien
kommunalkredit, Wien
palfinger AG, Salzburg
Stift Schlägl, Aigen-Schlägl
EMAS & ISO 14001
STEWEAG Kraftwerke Mellach, Graz, Neudorf-Werndorf, Pernegg
Raiffeisenlandesbank Wien-NÖ Wien
ESG AG Kraftwerk Mitte und Süd, Linz
Kirchdorfer Fernheizkraftwerk GmbH, Kirchdorf/Krems
Alfred Wall AG, Graz
1. Obermurtaler Brauereigen.m.b.H, Murau
F.Robier Baugesellschaft mbH, Graz
Fresenius Pharma Austria GmbH, Graz
Ing. G. Schelkshorn Fenster und Türen GmbH, Mödling
Schmidt-Feldbach GmbH&CoKG, Feldbach
Autohaus Robert Stipschitz GmbH, Maria Enzersdorf
Autohaus R. Hummel GmbH, Tulln
G. Karwinsky Autoservice GmbH, Wien
G. Bergstaller & Co Autoservice GmbH, Wien
Motor Import GmbH Mercedes Benz, Krems
Wiesenthal Reparaturwerk GmbH, Wien
Wiesenthal & Turk Autoservice GmbH, Zwettl
Wiesenthal & Co Smart Center, Vösendorf; St. Pölten; Eisenstadt, Wien
Strebersdorf, Wien Donaustadt
Demeter Autohandel Gesellschaft m.b.H.&CoKG, Wien
Boxmark Leather GmbH&CoKG, Feldbach
Wolfgang Denzel AG, Wien
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank, Wien
Paul Hartmann GmbH, Grimmenstein
Fredy´s Nahrungsmittel Ges.m.b.H., Traiskirchen
Stift Schlägl, Aigen-Schlägl
Stora Enso Timber, Bad St. Leonhard
Boxmark Leather-Siviljstvo d.o.o., Kidricevo
Dunapack RT Papierfabriken, Budapest und Dunaújváros
Czech Republic:
Weinkellerei Znovin Znojmo k.s. Satov
Uganda Cleaner Production Centre, Kampala
NEMA National Env. Mgmt. Authority, Kampala
Masese Fish Packers Ltd, Jinja
WND - White Nile Dairies (U) Ltd, Jinja
Uganda Fish Packers Ltd, Kampala
NGEGE Ltd, Kampala
UGANDA Batteries Ltd Kampala
Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Entebbe
Hotel Margherita, Kasese
Igara Growers Tea Factory, Bushenyi
Kayonza Growers Tea Factory, Butogota
Phenix Logistics Uganda, Kampala
Reco Industries, Kasese
TFI Tropical Fish Industries, Kampala
Ethiopian Cleaner Production Centre Addis Ababa, Äthiopien
Dashen Brewery Gondar, Äthiopien
Kombolcha Textile Kombolcha, Äthiopien
Ethiopian Tannery Addis Ababa, Äthiopien
Elico Tannery Addis Ababa, Äthiopien
Meta Abo Brewery Addis Ababa, Äthiopien